Love Soup Food Rescue
Redistributing good food that would otherwise go to waste, to communities in need.
Love Soup Executive Summary
Love Soup is not-for-profit. With our food rescue plan (collecting good food that would be either dumped or given to farmers) we provide free, health-focused meals for Elderly, Families, and Children.
We distribute food to organisations that give to those in need. Love Soup Delivers food & Supplies to organisations around the North Island helping over 1000 people a week.

Our goal is to alleviate hunger & poverty by soliciting, collecting, growing, and packaging food for distribution through a network of service agencies and programs that serve our target population groups. Love Soup will seek support from the community & charitable organisations and will seek funding applications and corporate sponsorship.
Our client base is low-income people, mainly families & elderly, who need emergency help to put food on the table. We will access these clients by supporting the existing organisations who do this by providing them with our access to fresh produce and bread.
Our services improve the ability of families to care for children, and achieve goals of self-sufficiency. Love Soup services, are a small investment in comparison to cost of ignoring the problem of hunger in this country. Hunger and poverty impact our communities by creating a variety of social issues particularly around education, health and crime.